Experience the revolution of voice-based exams
This is the future. The future is where we are.
Gimimo VBE System
Voice-Based Exam
Our AI-powered Gimimo voice-based examination
system is an innovative technology specifically designed to cater to the needs of visually impaired, dyslexic students and professionals. It is user-friendly and easy to use. All you need do is listen and respond in the most natural way like you already do.
You don’t need to learn special commands. Just talk in your most natural way.

Gimimo VBE System

Voice-Based Exam
Our AI-powered Gimimo voice-based examination
system is an innovative technology specifically designed to cater to the needs of visually impaired, dyslexic students and professionals. It is user-friendly and easy to use. All you need do is listen and respond in the most natural way like you already do.
Voice-based exams enable visually impaired or blind candidates to take the exam without the need for a scribe. This increases accessibility and helps ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
With voice-based exams, answers are recorded accurately in real-time, reducing the likelihood of transcription errors or misinterpretation of responses.
Voice-based exams can use advanced security measures to ensure that the candidate’s identity is verified, and that the exam is conducted fairly and impartially.
With voice-based exams, there is no need for printed test materials or additional personnel to serve as scribes. This can lead to significant cost savings for educational institutions and exam providers.
Voice-based exams can save time by eliminating the need for manual transcription or data entry. This can help speed up the grading process and provide results to candidates more quickly.
Overall, voice-based examinations are a powerful tool that can help level the playing field for visually impaired individuals and provide a more accessible, accurate, and secure testing experience.
Increased accessibility
Voice-based examinations enable visually impaired or blind candidates to take the exam without the need for a scribe. This increases accessibility and helps ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
Improved accuracy
With voice-based examinations, answers are recorded accurately in real-time, reducing the likelihood of transcription errors or misinterpretation of responses.
Enhanced security
Voice-based examinations can use advanced security measures to ensure that the candidate’s identity is verified, and the exam is conducted fairly and impartially.
Reduced costs
With voice-based examinations, there is no need for printed test materials or additional personnel to serve as scribes. This can lead to significant cost savings for educational institutions and exam providers.
Voice-based examinations can save time by eliminating the need for manual transcription or data entry. This can help speed up the grading process and provide results to candidates more quickly.
Overall, voice-based examinations are a powerful tool that can help level the playing field for visually impaired individuals and provide a more accessible, accurate, and secure testing experience.

Voice biometrics for candidate authentication.
All voice prints are unique.
Gimimo grants User access via preregistered details required prior to the commencement of the exam. These details will be collected via voice.
Voice biometrics for candidate authentication.

All voice prints are unique.
Gimimo grants User access via preregistered details required prior to the commencement of the exam. These details will be collected via voice.
Timed examination
Gimimo voice-based examination system can be timed for every exam. Candidates will be alerted of the time allocated and how much time they have left at intervals set by the admin/examiner. Also, candidates can simply ask how much time they have left.

Timed examination

Gimimo voice-based examination system can be timed for every exam. Candidates will be alerted of the time allocated and how much time they have left at intervals set by the admin/examiner. Also, candidates can simply ask how much time they have left.

Repeat questions.
During an exam, candidates can ask for a question to be repeated as many times as they choose for clarity.
Repeat questions.

During an exam, candidates can ask for a question to be repeated as many times as they choose for clarity.
Skipped questions revisit
Gimimo allows candidates to skip a question and revisit the skipped question later during an examination.

Skipped questions revisit

Gimimo allows candidates to skip a question and revisit the skipped question later during an examination.

Multiple choice questions.
Gimimo can present questions in many formats including multiple choice. Candidates request the answer options for a question and Gimimo reads it out to them. The candidate can ask for a repeat of the answers options for an unlimited number of times.
Multiple choice questions.

Gimimo can present questions in many formats including multiple choice. Candidates request the answer options for a question and Gimimo reads it out to them. The candidate can ask for a repeat of the answers options for an unlimited number of times.
Confirmation of answers before proceeding
Gimimo prompts candidates to confirm every answer selected per question before proceeding to the next question.

Confirmation of answers before proceeding

Gimimo prompts candidates to confirm every answer selected per question before proceeding to the next question.

Complaints and feedback sessions after the exam
Gimimo provides candidates the ability to lodge complaints and/or give feedback after an exam has been taken.
Complaints and feedback sessions after the exam

Gimimo provides candidates the ability to lodge complaints and/or give feedback after an exam has been taken.
Onboard immediately. No new set of instructions to learn
Gimimo is not a chatbot with a guided line of communication. Gimimo is an advanced Voice-first Artificial intelligence. Just talk freely like you already do and Gimimo will give the most appropriate response. No need to learn a new set of predefined voice prompts. Just talk.

Onboard immediately. No new set of instructions to learn

Gimimo is not a chatbot with a guided line of communication. Gimimo is an advanced Voice-first Artificial intelligence. Just talk freely like you already do and Gimimo will give the most appropriate response. No need to learn a new set of predefined voice prompts. Just talk.
Admin Dashboard
Upload questions
Administrators have the privilege to upload questions
See exam results
View candidate results in real-time upon submission by candidates.
Data analytics
Filter, search, export (excel, pdf, CSV), and analyze every data presented in the system.
The Gimimo VBE dashboard is a powerful analytical and reporting tool. Here, administrators can analyze and report every piece of data presented; create new administrative users with limited privileges; upload exam questions; see exam results; export data in various formats including PDF, MS Excel, and .csv formats, and even share via email.